Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Doing the Blog Thing

Now that 2006 is almost a memory I am determined to achieve one of my 2006 New Year's resolutions . . . to keep in better communication with everyone. Better late than never, right? I told my dear friend, Cheryl G. that I should do the blog thing and she chuckled with a "in your spare time, right?" So . . that might be all this becomes . . . a spare time update and a few pics, shout outs, prayer requests and an occasional soap box rant. (Who, me???) But it is worth a try.
Having said that, I will give you a quick update on the Jewett's. I struggle with this as I have been reading Christmas card letters sent from well meaning people who are simply trying to update people on their lives the previous year. Overall, it is a great thing and a convenient time to do so with Holiday well wishes. But have you noticed you seldom read the hard truth and struggles in people's lives. Granted, that is not really the forum for it, but it is very easy to come away from the letters believing everyone has got it all together . . . their children are superhuman, excelling at school/sports/career/hobbies, etc. They travel the world as a happy family and are able to throw in a half marathon along the way.
So, the Jewetts. Are my kids talented? Incredibly. And I will probably share tid bits about them along the way, but please know with the talented art work of Connor, the genius test scores of Maclain and the little gymnast that has caught the eyes and attention of the Russian coaches are three kids who are part of a family that struggles daily to die to ourselves and follow Jesus. Can we do this on our own? Nope. Do I still try everyday? Sinfully, yes.
Please feel free to post responses. I have enjoyed reading Becca K.'s blog as it has enabled us to sort of be a spectator and part of this new season of her life.
Before I post a picture or two, Maclain wants to particiapate in this blog.
He says, "Whoever reads this, please tell us if you enjoy it." "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" "God loves us all so be happy!!"
Yeah, we do live in paradise.

A quick shot in our formal living room. . .
Just kidding! Palm Beach Gardens Mall

A future Marine Biologist in his workshop