Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tiffany, my new BFF

So today I was having a pretty rotten day. Yesterday was a wild day and I was hoping today would bring closure to all the hard work I did yesterday. I have been working with a new buyer and we put an offer on a great "first time buyer" house for her. I jumped through lots and lots of hoops to get this offer in only to find out there were two other offers at the same time. I wish you could have seen me rushing through two counties, delivering keys, changing lockboxes, calling the necessary offices because I could not remember my code to unlock my boxes that are located in neighboring counties, adjusting our offer while driving, finding my buyer to get initials, coordinating with Dale to pick up the kiddos, taking pictures at a new listing in order to get it loaded to so the sellers could see it before they leave town, getting Isabelle to gymnastics and begging the gym to use their fax machine in order to get our offer in on time. (My Mama said there would be days like this!)

The first call I got this morning was the other agent telling me the sellers went with another offer instead of ours. For you who kinda know me, know that this bothers me. For you who REALLY know me, know I hate to lose!!! The hardest part was calling my buyer to give her the news. I told myself, "It's not like you are a doctor telling a parent their child has cancer" Still . . . not fun.

So I was sort of bummed most of the day. Silly, I know, but Dale and I put so much into our days . . . I like when it all flows perfectly . HA!

Enter my new BFF (Best Friend Forever) Tiffany. I have not been a huge jewelry person but am becoming one in the second half of my life! I have been admiring these Tiffany bracelets and necklaces. I ran into a student teacher at school who had on a set and I told her how much I like them. I bought a set from her like the picture below for hardly any $$. She needed the money and I needed the pick-me-up . . and it was a belated birthday present from Dale . . he just did not know it yet.

So, that is my rambling for the day. Now back to real life . . . Connor has a math test tomorrow. Fun.


Becca said...

I'm sorry your buyer's offer wasn't picked. I remember when we were putting in our offer knowing others were looking and wondering if ours would get in in time and be "enough." Yuck--so thankful God moved us in a house and we don't have to deal with that right now. What I know I KNOW about you, is that you give it your all! That makes it extra hard to swallow though... possibly akin to teaching and reviewing the four types of sentences for WEEKS and STILL having kids miss it on the grammar unit test. Maybe next time...

Enjoy your treat, and please give the rest of your family our love!

Miss Becca

NANA said...

Kim……you are genetically pre-disposed to love jewelry….it's a wonderful pick-me-up. Much better that a dozen Krispy Kremes or Sonic Chili Cheese Fries. I remember the day during your pregnancy with Isabelle that you ordered the latter and I thought you had lost your mind. No wonder she loves carbs.

It is hard to believe that this time last month I was there. It was such a lovely visit. I am more at peace with your move even though the distance is great. Thank goodness for cell phones & the internet. As I told Poppy, your household has a rhythm about it. Everyone knows what is expected of them and they do it. Living in it you probably do not see this, but from someone who is standing on the sidelines observing……it is there.

Hugs to all and keep selling those houses.



King said...

Hey Kim - sorry about the offer. I know how hard you work, though, which means there are many happy-ending offers to come :-). Love the bracelet!

Wish we could have connected with you while in Tampa. Miss you guys! Let me know how summer's shaping up for ya. Hugs to the kids!