Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Is it July yet?

I cannot believe how fast this summer is going. It feels like just last week we were gearing up for the end-of-school parties. I have not done a good job with keeping up with my posts on this blog but don't take it personally . . . I also have not kept up with our laundry, the house cleaning or any of my other domestic duties. Ah . . . life as a working mom kicks me in the rear quite a bit. Can Moms "have it all?" Absolutely!!! Just not all at the same time.

M turned 9 last week and was so sweet to spend it driving a couple hours to Miami to visit his sweet friend J. She had surgery and will be laid up until mid July. One day I will find a pic to post of them if it is okay with her parents. J is handicapped . . is it pc to use that term anymore . . who can keep up with it all? She adores M and he has a "way" with her. He can get her to work with her paraprofessional, occ. ther.. etc. I'll share one quick story about J. She has been able to go to church with us several time . . not with us but she meets us there with her para. She doesn't talk but she sure can squeal! And as you can imagine, M can get her going. Well, I was wheeling her into the sanctuary and she started squealing with excitement. I (inside voices, please . . .) shushed her and the little old man usher stopped me and said, "The Bible says, 'Make a joyful noise unto the Lord' let her squeal . . ." Wow.

C joined the youth group at church. They integrate them in the summer before Middle school. He loves it. I can't let him participate in all the activities as he has swim team and art. These youth do something almost every night of the week.

Is joined swim team as well. It is a bit much with gymnastics but she is doing fine. I'm exhausted watching her.

Summer bridge books are going great except C has figured out the answers are in the back. One day he asked me "what does 'answers may vary' mean" Ah-ha! Caught!
M just finished reading Because of Winn Dixie and C just finished Island of the Blue Dolphins and has started The Revealers. I think that one is about Middle School bullies. The two younger ones are waaaaaaaay into webkinz. M is because his friend J gave him one for his b-day. It is a cute thing but can eat up a ton of time in front of another screen.

M and C go to spend the night camp next week. Guess I'd better find that paperwork, huh???

That's all for now. Wait, M wants to say something.

Please pray for my friend, J.


NANA said...

I am just exhausted with it all......what ever happened to those lazy days of Summer.

I have had the sweet pleasure of meeting J. M I do pray for her every day. She is a gift and so are you. You have a special gift in giving.

No matter how I try I cannot imagine C being ready to go out into the world of teens but it is coming....real fast! Isa will always be our little princess no matter how old she gets. That is the advantage of being a female.



Becca said...

Summer is definitely flying by! Now that I'm done with teaching requirements, I'm hoping it will slow down some. :) We miss you--ALL of you!!

Miss Becca