Friday, June 1, 2007

WHEW !!!

What a week! All three closings actually closed. Lots of final details to hold a couple of them together but all in all it was very successfull. I slept great last night for the first time in several nights.

The boys had a great swim meet last week. They saved some time off a couple of their events, establised some times on a couple events they have not swam before and added some time to a couple as well. I try not to over analyze added time as we are only talking fractions of a second. Their team took first at this meet so that was an added bonus.

Isabelle started with her new coaches and the training is definately stepped up a notch. One of her coaches motioned to me from the floor and said Belle is a great listener. I cannot tell you how important those words are to a parent. I thank God for those little rewards.

We are about to get a ton of rain here in South Florida over the next couple of days. There is a tropical depression coming and we are practically dancing in the streets as the drought has gone on way too long. I think we are to get around 4 inches later today. I then thought about all the kids getting out of school around the country . . or at least the eastern part of the country, who may be headed to "are we there yet" Orlando. Maybe the rain will take a break so they can catch a ride or two.

Well, that is a little update from the Jewetts. Next week includes VBS and a little blond headed boy's 9th birthday. Gosh! I blinked again and another year flew by.