Thursday, March 27, 2008


So I on have been going through a stage in my mind lately where I find myself staring at my kiddos and trying to drink in all that I see. I am at that point in my life and in their lives where I realize how fleeting this time is. Not to be a downer, but very few people gave me a heads up on this. My dear friend Cheryl G. certainly did, praise God! Otherwise my "sphere of influence" was my peers and we were/are all in the same boat . . at the same childhood stage . . so we often only vented to each other. Pray for an older, wiser mentor who is not too much further down the path you are on so they can be a voice of reason in your life. God gave me a precious one in C.G and I hope I can be one for someone in the future.

On that note, I remember the times when I impatiently (sinfully, because after all, it was all about me, you know . . .)wished a certain stage of my children's lives away as they were too taxing . . . too demanding . . . and just plain ole too much. I heard a song by a country singer, Trace Adkins and here is the chorus. Might not be as dramatic without the music but search it on itunes and you can hear it for yourself. Newer moms . . .let me lovingly urge you to drink it in.

You’re gonna miss this
You’re gonna want this back
You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you’re gonna miss this

Now . .. go hug those little ones, and not so little ones . . . and don't blink.


King said...

I made the mistake of counting the number of birthdays little T has left at home! Way too few. They sure do grow fast, but I also just try to stay in the moment - there's no such thing as "a random Tuesday" because they're all such a gift.

Joy said...
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Joy said...

Thanks for the reminder...I find that I constantly need the reminding in the midst of it all! God has been bringing this to mind a lot lately. My time is so fleeting with these little ones. It is hard work but precious Kingdom work!!! Did you have a chance to listen to this song that I posted about a bit ago? It so goes along with the whole don't blink and being reminded that these little ones are not ours for long...

NANA said...

If you you at it from a Grangparents point of are in a whirlwind. Not only are you watching your adult children walk through their life journey but there are those precious little ones that they have given us and it is all going too fast. Be still, enjoy one another while you can, these are the "constants" in your life. Later you will experience those "constants" disappearing and you will realize "I blinked".